When the title of your blog is Twinkie Wiener Sandwich, and "Weird Al" Yankovic releases a new album, it goes with the territory that you have to do something special. Some may claim that having a blog like this is a Lame Claim to Fame but in My Own Eyes I find it a Handy way to express myself. Since an Inactive blog has never been our Mission Statement, I say we get over our First World Problems, dispense with the Tacky openings, and get to the Word Crimes.
Since today also marks the one year anniversary of the return of Hostess, I can think of no better way to celebrate the occasion than with an entry about the snack cake that has had the biggest impact on American pop culture, the Twinkie. Pop culture references to the Twinkie could be its own entry but among our favorites are: (obviously) UHF's Twinkie Wiener Sandwich and Ghostbusters' "That's a big Twinkie", with an honorable mention going to Genghis Khan and his excellent sugar rush. No snack cake, perhaps no snack food, has so deeply imbedded itself into our culture. It's why I believe people were so upset when Hostess folded. Not because they like Twinkies, but because they are a part of us.
Anyway, on to the tasting!
Today we bought the Strawberry Creme and Blue Raspberry Creme varieties. I feel the same about both. Both retain their original Twinkieness but add a slightly different dynamic in the middle. Both are tasty without being overpowering. Granted, you have to like Twinkies in the first place to consider these, but if you do they could be a welcome change of pace.
NOW That's What I Call a blog entry!
(Yeah I missed a couple. So what?)